Getting Started With a Private LoRaWAN Network Using ChirpStack v4 (Updated)

Getting Started With a Private LoRaWAN Network Using ChirpStack v4 (Updated)
I have recently started experimenting with LoRa radios, and the LoRaWAN network protocol. Interestingly it seems that the LoRa ecosystem is simultaneously surprisingly open (both in specifications and implementations), while also having very little definitive documentation on how to actually get started as an indvidual hacker. As such I found the process of learning enough of the protocol to set up my own network surprisingly difficult. This post will walk through the process of setting up my own private LoRaWAN network, from low cost hardware all the way up to the application level. [Read More]

Getting Started With a Private LoRaWAN Network

Getting Started With a Private LoRaWAN Network
Note: Since publishing this post, ChirpStack released their version 4 LoRaWAN network server, which significantly changes the architecture and configuration. This post goes through setting up a network with ChirpStack v3, for an updated version of this post using ChirpStack v4, see Getting Started With a Private LoRaWAN Network Using ChirpStack v4. I have recently started experimenting with LoRa radios, and the LoRaWAN network protocol. Interestingly it seems that the LoRa ecosystem is simultaneously surprisingly open (both in specifications and implementations), while also having very little definitive documentation on how to actually get started as an indvidual hacker. [Read More]